How did you get started?
With some school friends; we played at rock band, but soon realised we actually liked creating noise.
Who’s your hero musically? Who influenced you?
John Bohnam has a huge drum sound, mixing the skill of jazz with the brute-force of rock. Even though Dave Grhol is now better known for his guitar playing, it’s his drumming work with bands like Queens of the Stone Age that show-off his attention to detail.
Any previous bands?
Quite a few, a string of metal and rock bands in my youth. I’ve spread my playing styles these days: apart from The Session, I have an alt-rock/indie originals band Raised by Wolves. I’m currently in Burly Chassis which is a rock/pop mash-up group and I’m working with Tex and the Hardcore Troubadors who are country band with hints of rockabilly.
What instruments do you play?
Apart from the tubs, I like having fun with my ukelele and exeriment with home-made analog synths.